
Monday, February 6, 2017

Properties of Happiness Molecules... and more!

 I had a lot of fun writing the other energy post, so now I'm going to expand on the idea of these Feelings molecules (which, by the way, have happiness energy, if you did not guess). Again, you'll need a basic knowledge of something, namely diffusion. Even if you do not remember what on earth that term means, don't worry, you will when I explain it.
 So if you've ever had a tea party with actual tea (unlike the games I played when I was little), you'll know the scenario goes something like this:
 Host: "Good day, Sir (or Ma'am). Would you like some tea?"
 Guest: "Oh yes, please."
 Host: "And how many lumps of sugar would you like?"
 Guest: "Seven, please."

Please do NOT go pouring seven lumps of sugar into your tea. This is merely an example. 
Anyways, the point is, the guest goes pouring their sugar into their cup of tea. The sugar cube, as you may realize, has a large amount of particles in a relatively confined space, or high concentration. The tea, however, has lots of molecules as well, but in a larger volume, or low concentration. Therefore, the sugar's molecules will spread out from their high concentration into the low concentration in diffusion, or what we call dissolving. The molecules don't shrink or anything, just spread out. I don't know about you guys, but when I first read this a few years ago, I thought it was pretty cool.

...Which brings me to the point. Today we'll learn about the properties of certain specialized molecules rarely heard about: the Feelings Molecules. There are a few main types of those molecules: happiness molecules, anger molecules, fright molecules, and tension molecules. 
Happiness molecules: Happiness molecules can be gained in a variety of ways (A on test, fun time with friends, etc.) which I may expand on later on, but I'll leave alone for now because I do not want to talk about the Thoughts very much, as they are very powerful. But what I can explain is that happiness diffuses! If one is very happy, they want to spread the happiness to others! However, the molecules in this case do not need to spread out on contact, and can travel in many complicated ways, again relating to T, the Thoughts. Unlike regular molecules, Happiness molecules can travel through people's Thought passages, and actually try to do so. You may think that "Hey, then how come you don't get less happy if your molecules diffuse to other people?". Well, this is because as you transmit happiness to people, they transmit them back simultaneously, so there's a constant balance formed. 
Anger molecules: Anger, unfortunately, tries to diffuse very fast. If you're angry, well, you most likely feel like hitting or punching something and diffusing the anger you feel. This is especially why you shouldn't stand near someone while you're angry. Now, the good thing is that people usually have the tendency to give you some space, but other times they may start snapping back at you because of what the anger molecules have done. The positive side is that happiness is stronger than anger, so if you're mad, go buy a cake or something.
Fright molecules: More fright molecules means more fear. Fear, however, does NOT diffuse throughout others, and just stays confined to your body. The only way to get rid of fright molecules is to overpower them with some one of the other types mentioned. Now, really, the "overpowering" is just diffusion of other molecules into the area of the fright molecules. Complicated, right?
Tension molecules: These molecules are from anxiety, nervousness, etc. For example, an oral report will most probably increase your nervousness because your tension molecules number increases. Tension molecules usually do diffuse. You can spread anxiety to others and make them nervous. Just like in happiness molecules, increasing tension molecules in others usually still results in the same amount of tension, because they will pass through the Thoughts passage back and forth. 

These are the main properties of the four Feelings molecules. You may wonder about sadness molecules as well, but really, they don't exist. Sadness is caused by a lack happiness molecules from the regular healthy amount. A regular decline of the happiness molecules can lead to depression and other things, so that's why they should always be kept up. I'll do a follow-up post on the uses of these properties, probably with more problems. I hope you enjoyed reading! Here's your professor, signing out!
-Not A Prima Donna Girl


  1. Very well written my dear.
    God bless

  2. Very good , Awesome
    Sadness is nothing but lack of happiness molecules well said...

  3. Cool writeup on connecting chemistry with life. A post on how to increase the Happiness molecules is in order. While at it also throw in some equations to neutralize the anger and tension molecules.

    1. Thank you, those are great suggestions! I'm coming up with another surprise which I hope will be as enjoyed as well...


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