
Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter

Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter
Goodreads Synopsis: When Cammie Morgan enrolled at the Gallagher Academy, she knew she was preparing for the dangerous life of a spy. What she didn’t know was that the serious, real-life danger would start during her junior year of high school. But that’s exactly what happened two months ago when Cammie faced off against an ancient terrorist organization dead set on kidnapping her.

Now the danger follows her everywhere, and even Cammie “The Chameleon” can’t hide. When a terrifying encounter in London reveals that one of her most-trusted allies is actually a rogue double-agent, Cammie no longer knows if she can trust her classmates, her teachers—or even her own heart.

In this fourth installment of the New York Times best-selling series, the Gallagher Girls must hack, spy, steal, and lie their way to the truth.as they go searching for answers, recognizing that the key to Cammie’s future may lie deep in the past.

    My Review: When I first bought this book, I thought it was the first in the series, and I didn't really know what to expect. All I can say now is that I wish I'd bought the next book, Out of Sight, Out of Time.
Ally Carter is amazing. Pure amazing. To create a world like Gallagher Academy itself takes a lot of imagination, but it's so. much. fun to read about. I love all of the characters, especially Cammie's awesome friends Bex, Lizzie, and Macey.
    The plot was really intriguing, but slightly complicated (which I guess had to be expected). There were some points where I was confused to the point where I had to reread some things, probably because I didn't read the first three books. The only complaint I have is that the plot is connected to the sixth book, and not everything is resolved in this selection. I usually like the main focus of the plot done in one book, not over the span of the series.
    However, I cannot recommend this book more to anyone (at least anyone 12-13 up). The academy will leave you wishing you could be a part of the Gallagher world, living in the sisterhood. I give this book 4 stars. The books get even better going forward!

****To answer a question about if you should read the other books before this one, I'd say yes, just because this book has a lot of spoilers and you'll see the characters in whole new light now. Oops. :)

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