
My Book Review Guidelines

     Welcome to my book review section! Feel free to browse around the books I have reviewed, and leave suggestions or your own ratings based on the books.

    I review Middle Grade and Young Adult books. I accept finished copies and ARCs. I review contemporary, dystopian, historical fiction, fiction, and fantasy. I won't review paranormal, romance, horror, or crime novels for the most part. If you have a book in one of those genres that you really, really want me to review, send me a link and I'll take a look at it.

    The way I base my star ratings may be a bit different from others, so below I have included what each rating means according to me:
5 stars- This book was AMAZING! I really, really loved it!
4.5 stars- This book was awesome! I would definitely recommend it to a friend.
4 stars- This book was good, and I would recommend it to a friend. It just needs that edge to become 5 stars, but it is still pretty close.
3.5 stars- This book was almost four stars, but I didn't love it enough to give it that rating. It had some problems I couldn't get over.
3 stars- I did not really enjoy the book. I would probably not recommend this to a friend.
2 stars- I did not like this book. There were significant portions I did not understand, or it was just really boring.
1 star- I would not recommend this book to a friend. There were many boring parts, just overall it was missing many pieces, or the story line did not make sense to me.

All reviews are subject to change.

If you'd like to contact me for more information or to send a book to review, please use the contact form on the right.
Thank you and enjoy!
                                                                  -Not A Prima Donna Girl

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