
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Scientific Names

      Hey everyone! What's up? Today, I'm going to introduce a little bit of science along with our blog post. But don't worry, it's really brief. Many of you guys have seen scientific names of organisms and wondered "what on earth does that mean?" (Or is that just me?) There is actually a really specific meaning to those names.
     The first word, or organism's genus, is given to all organisms that similar and closely related, like all birch plants start with Betula. The second part describes one specific feature of the organism, like if it has thick, red fur. 
     I think these names are totally interesting, don't you? I mean, what if all humans had scientific names? Not homo sapiens, I mean new, individual names! Like, maybe I could be Shristicus blogius, after my last name and blogging. I know it doesn't sound that cool, but I still would want to know. And what would my friends' names be? Hmm....
     What is your scientific name? Comment below. And don't forget: italicize the whole thing, and only capitalize the first letter!
     Oh, and also, I am so sorry that I forgot to put up the craft. I wrote it and published it, but I didn't file it under the category. It's up there now, though, so check it out!
     Keep reading!

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