
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Music time! (Updated with new book review)

 Hey everyone! Before we get onto the real topic of this post, I just want to thank the few people so far who gave some feedback. The ideas were great, so I'm now going to post pictures of the crafts and review The Mother Daughter Book Club series! I would still appreciate more comments on things, and the polls I've been talking about should be up soon! Speaking of which, do you guys have any suggestions for poll topics? Post below! And finally, if you didn't catch my pretty recent post, please scroll down to see it! It talks about the specific areas you want me to add to or improve. 
 Anyways, I've been blogging about this blog so much recently I haven't talked about what's really going on! Today, my school played music at lunch, and when it started, you were supposed to talk to someone new! Pretty cool, although I was a bit nervous. I totally said I wouldn't do it, but then I realized there were a lot of kids who probably ate alone at lunch! Can you imagine spending the best period of school ;) alone? So I decided to at least say hi to a few people. It was good fun and all, especially when everyone just had fun and danced to the music near the end. 
 What is your favorite music? What can get you moving no matter what? Tell me all about it below!
Update: Just updated the jokes, riddles, and puzzles section!
Update 2: Posted a new book review!

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