
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Days of the Week

 Today, I thought of labeling the days of the week as how they really seem like to people. Doesn't Monday seem like a drag? And isn't Friday really the best? I labeled all the days based on their personalities below!

Monday: should be dubbed messy day! Everyone is all over the place, and no one can recover from the loss of the weekend!
Tuesday: Eh, today is more nerve-wracking than annoying. Usually papers come back on Tuesday, and that includes tests and quizzes and stuff. Plus, you now have to start on that project due Friday you've been putting off...
Wednesday: Stuck in the middle! Who's side is this day on? Well, I'll say Wednesday are more of those days you don't really have too much planned out, maybe a bit of studying or whatever, but mostly good!
Thursday: Thursday is really a countdown to Friday. Just one more day! Yay! Actually, you can kind of compare it to Sunday, which are really both countdowns to the next day.
Friday: Yes! Finally, the weekend will start, once school/work gets out! What do we do in the evening, hmm, maybe go eat dinner at a restaurant, or attend a party....
Saturday: Ah, Saturday. Today's totally booked. One word, readers: relaxation. Block your calendars everyone, because we have an emergency case of I've-just-had-a-long-week-so-give-me-some-space!
Sunday: Yup, and now is our last day of enjoying. Time to start that list of chores in time for Monday. No one can really enjoy Sunday because I think everyone's really sad about Monday.
     Well, that's my interpretation of the week. What do you guys think? What's your favorite day of the week?

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