
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Movie Talk

     I can't believe it's 2015! 2014 went by so fast! I had so much to remember, oh the sorrow, oh the heartbreak. Now there's no holiday until...February. It's still far away. Now there are more tests, quizzes, homework assignments, projects, and stress increases. Why, oh why, did break feel so short?
     Well, enough about my sorrow. Yesterday, I went to the movies and watched "Into the Woods". It said PG, but I personally thought it should have been PG10 or something (and I know there is no such thing as PG10). It was pretty good, though. It was about some of the fairy tale characters meeting each other and finding out they needed to be together. There was also this curse with a witch and..., actually, why don't you guys just watch it. I'm a major spoiler. I literally bug my friends 'till they say I can spoil a part for them. 
      Well, I hope you check back soon, readers. Oh, and thank you guys for viewing my blog so much. I'll try to post 1-3 times a week. Also, make sure to vote in the weekly polls I give out before they close. Oh, and don't worry about your name being shown in the poll when you vote. It just shows the percentages. Well, that's it for now! 
                                                                 -Not a Prima Donna Girl


  1. Holidays are over..no worries..there will be more to come. U r too funny, PG10 LOL.. Yep, me too felt PG should have more suffix for kids under 10. My favorite part of the movie was it was all set in just "Into the woods".
    Keep writing...

  2. I thought the movie was okay.the little girl was hilarious!She was my favorite!how 'bout u?And rapunzel was soooooooooooooo pretty.The song agony was weird.did u like it?


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