
Saturday, January 10, 2015

I'm so excited!

     Hey y'all! The previous week's poll resulted in the highest number of votes for partying with friends. I agree that partying is awesome! I love all the food, food, and more food. Just kidding. I like spending quality time with my friends and not wasting a moment by talking, gossiping, and just chilling. What could be better than that?
     Make sure to vote in the next poll about your career goal! (It is anonymous.)
     I can't wait for the week of the 20th! There is going to be a huge blog post soon! I really wish I could tell my readers everything, but I want to build up suspense. Anyways, the surprise is for later. Guess what? I'm going to get Goddess Girls: Aphrodite the Fair! It came out in December so I'm sooooooooooo excited! I probably will not review it, but I can if you want me to. Just post in the comments and I shall do it. Your wish is my command, oh loyal readers. Hah! I'm not a genie, but I wish I was. I'll still review the book, though. And feel free to comment a suggestion for a good read so I can review it. 
     Our science fair in school is coming up. Have any of you ever taken part? I will. Are any of you interested? I think it is a good opportunity to show your knowledge, but I kind of wish it was in another subject. Maybe math, art, or writing. I like those subjects. Well, that's all for now. I'll post soon.
                                                                                            -Not A Prima Donna Girl

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