
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Guess where I went!

      I went to science camp! It was sooooo fun and awesome! I kissed a banana slug, hermit crab, and hugged a tree called Big Red. The camp was about two hours away, which meant a fun bus ride with my friends. The food was really tasty, and they even had pancakes once! I was also lucky to have (pretty much) all my friends in my cabin. The only bad part was that the bathrooms were super crowded since there was a total of 2 schools there (girls). Tide pooling was also great, I saw a lot of hermit crabs and touched sea anemone. (Isn't it weird that the word is pronounced a-ne-no-me but spelled anemone?) We also ate these flowers that were called "sour flowers" and tasted sour, kind of like sour-patches without sugar. We also ate redwood clovers or something, and just one of those had enough Vitamin C to last for a day! The naturalist said not to eat more than 2, but I ate 5 and didn't get a stomachache like she said I would.
     As you can tell, Science Camp rocked! It was a great experience. Are any of you guys going on exciting field trips? I can't wait until we go bowling. It is always a blast! BTW, I extended the poll, so vote while you can! And look out for the update on the Jokes, Riddles, and Puzzles section.
                                                                                                          - Not a Prima Donna Girl  

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