
Saturday, September 16, 2017

How I Keep Track of Books

This post covers how I keep track of all of my bookish data.
You know, to-reads, what I read this year, Goodreads challenges, etc. etc. How am I so awesome that I can keep track of all of these books by myself?
Well, what I can say is that I don't really use Goodreads for this. Goodreads is really nice and everything, but I always feel too lazy to keep uploading the books I've read. Plus, I can never remember to do so, and it gets hard to remember books I've read last week, let alone ones from last month. I really mainly use Goodreads to look for to-reads, which I then transfer over to the place where I actually track everything.

The secret is literally inside here.

Yes, I trust Mickey Mouse to keep all my secrets. Don't judge me.

I know you're probably like, "You're too lazy to click a button on Goodreads, but you have time to track every single title of books you read and want to read in your journal????"
To which I say, "Duh."
It makes complete sense to me, because I like to write down stuff. I know Goodreads works for most people, and I really like it, but it's just not convenient for me right now. If you like it, go ahead and keep using it! I'm just posting about what I like to do.
This journal is basically a bullet journal for reading. If you don't know what that is, I suggest you Google it, because they're pretty cool.

So here's what I have in my reading journal:

I also have some stuff for writing in there, but it's mainly for reading. I try to update my journal as often as possible so that I don't have to sit down for an hour to do so.

How do you keep track of books you've read? Books you want to read? Do you use Goodreads? Tell me all about it below!

Oh yes, and disclaimers: I'm going to be really, really busy this week, so I apologize in advance for not posting consistently! I hope to be back in schedule by next week, but there might be a gap of posts after this one! It just depends on how much I have to do.
Also, I am experimenting with my fonts right now to try to find the best one. You've probably noticed this irregularity, and I'm hoping to narrow the best one down soon.
Lastly, I have a surprise for the next book review! It will make them look a bit prettier, I hope :).

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