
Sunday, July 16, 2017


I walked into my room and sat at my desk, wondering what to do. I've been crafting a lot recently. I did some pebble art, painted a painting, and did some origami/kirigami (the last two haven't been shown here on my blog). I plan to feature the origami here soon.
So I decided to show y'all my drawing instead of an herd of elephants. I started off wanting to draw one, then the idea evolved into a lot elephants playing in a garden.
So here's a challenge for you: Next time you're bored, try to draw an animal in a really simple way. These elephants only have the necessary features. Most don't even have tusks because they look more like warthogs with them :D. See how you can make something complicated into something simple! It's very relaxing!
The legs of the elephant on the bottom got cut off a bit in the photo, but they're there in the drawing :).

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