
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Good Author Does...

We all have our favorite book, the one that we can always read no matter when the occasion, the one that's written to match our styles. A good author writes these type of books and makes the reader attached to a work by doing many things. A good author...
1. Makes you feel.
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A reader doesn't want to just read a story, they want to live it. Emotional attachment to books leave readers wishing for more.
2. Makes things interesting
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A story needs to have an actual plot, but the good stories have a plot that the readers care about, and a strong climax at that.
3. Doesn't overload information.
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No matter what genre, no one wants to read a novel with too many facts. There's a reason why fiction is called fiction- there should be some balance between story content and actuality. Even nonfiction has to have some creative balance.
4. Knows how to form a connection between the characters and readers.
The connection of a stories characters and readers is one of the most important parts of a good stories. If the reader doesn't feel such a strong pull to the ones in the story, they are less likely going to want to read it.
5. Expresses their passion.
Good authors want to write and don't drag scenes out and skimp out on details. You can usually tell which authors have a flair for writing from the heart.
6. Doesn't make you want to count how many pages are left in the story.
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If a reader is tempted to see how many pages they need to read to finish the story, then they probably aren't too interested in the content overall. The best authors don't even make you think about skipping to the end.
7. Doesn't necessarily need you to plan out how many pages you'll read per day.
Again, needing to plan ahead to read a book might mean the reader just doesn't want to finish and is forcing themself to.
8. Draws you in-and keeps you there.
It's not too hard to create a good prologue or opening line, but a good author keeps readers interested all the way.
9. Differentiates between characters.
A good author can help you tell the difference between one character and another and develops each individual's character, instead of all of the character's personalities blending in.
10. Makes the reader want more.
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This is the easiest concept to judge a book by. If you want to read more from the author, they must be a like, right?

These ten things are usually always present in the best stories. What do you look for in a story? What do you think good authors do to make their stories the best? Also, what are some of your favorite books?

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