
Monday, May 15, 2017

Polymer Clay Tiger+ Save the Tigers

Today I have a bit of an abstract tiger charm I made using polymer clay. I know it's not close to perfect, but I like it because it's whimsical and its fur on the side of its head looks pretty realistic. I am also majorly proud about the nose area, which doesn't show up that much in the photo, but it makes the tiger look 3D up close. The stripes are really random, and I just kind of winged it, but also tried to match the design I used from the Youtube tutorial I found, which I linked to here. The tutorial actually made it very large because it was a wall hanging, whereas mine was about 2 inches long in comparison. So I hope you like the tiger, and I recommend checking out the video I found for lots of details (it's actually a series of 11 videos, so I just linked to the overview of the project). 

Now to move on to the modern connection of it all. Tigers as a whole are endangered, but many species are extinct, like the Bali and Javan tigers. Tigers are one of the most beautiful animals, so let's all help them recover slowly from their state. We obviously can't do anything about the extinct tigers, but we can help the endangered ones. Click here to symbolically adopt a tiger from the World Wildlife Federation, or here to find ways to help WWF save the earth even more. Let's all pitch in to save the earth!

                                                                                                  Thanks for reading,
Not a Prima Donna Girl

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