
Friday, May 26, 2017

Let's Talk About...The Little Prince!

Hi, y'all! In case you're unfamiliar with this type of posts, let me introduce them. Basically, I'll post questions about a book/series and my answers to them, then I'll invite you to answer them in the comments below or leave a link below to your own blog, where you can respond. Just please link back to this post when you do, and feel free to change up the questions.

So for today, Let's Talk About... The Little Prince!
Image Courtesy of Amazon
Ever since I've read this story, I've loved it. The simplicity of it all lets all readers relate, and makes it an all-ages story. It is really a twist between a fairy tale and a folktale, but a really touching combination of both. I encourage you to look intAntoine de Saint-Exupéry's work. For now, let's begin our discussion. 

If you could ask the author one question if he were alive, what would it be?
Did the sheep eat the flower? Did the Prince come back to Earth? (I know, that's two questions :))

Do you like the rose, in the end?
I suppose the rose was alright in the end, but I still don't know why the Prince liked her so much. She was quite conceited, but I supposed they the prince was tamed by her.

Should the Prince have stayed on Earth?
I wish the Prince could have remained, but the story would not be half as touching without his depart. I do wish there was a hint of him returning soon, though. 

What is your favorite part?
I have two favorite parts. The first is when the Prince raked out his volcanoes and tended to the baobabs. I don't know why, but the thought of doing those tasks everyday just gives me some comfort, to have some routine to the day. My second favorite part is when he describes his sunset watching, and that he once watched the sun set 44 times in a day. Though I know he was sad that time, that sadness was carried to the reader very well.

Do you own any items related to the book?
Unfortunately, I don't even own the book! I'm hoping to acquire some stationary, however. There are so many beautiful notebooks out there!

Have you read the sequel?
Not yet! I hope to get to it over the summer. 

What is your favorite planet, and who is your favorite person from all of them?
My favorite planet is the lamplighter's planet, because it seems to most useful and was quite funny in reality, but the king is my favorite because of how serious he thinks he is, when he really owns nothing.

In your opinion, what is the funniest part?
The funniest part to me was when the lamplighter said that every minute he had to turn the light on and off because his day was so short, and he could not get any rest! The way Saint-Exupéry words this part is hilarious!

Favorite quote?
Image result for the little prince quotes
Image Courtesy of Pinterest

So that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this Let's Talk About..., and I hope to chat with you in the comments below! What do you think about The Little Prince?

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