
Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Periodic Table

 I'm so, so, so happy to share the surprise I've been planning for this blog, related to the happiness molecules posts I've been doing. If you missed my last one with diffusion, click here. I'd recommend reading it before this post, just for some context. 

So without further ado, here's the surprise:

It's the periodic table of Feelings Elements! Basically, it's divided up into groups. The blue ones represent fear, the red, anger, yellow, happiness, and green, tension. You may look at the numbers and wonder why they aren't in order. Well, if you like chemistry, you'll know the elements' numbers are how many protons they have. I figured that some elements may have a lot more than others because of their various categories. In addition, I didn't want to seal off the prospect of even more elements joining each group, so I left some space between the their numbers. Also, there are three letters representing each element because I didn't want the abbreviations getting mixed up with the ones from the actual periodic table of elements.

For those of you who are even bigger geniuses :), you may have realized there's no atomic weight for the particles. I considered putting them in, but to be honest, I couldn't quite yet figure out what weight each one would be. I'm also thinking to just make them without any weight at all, because they exist in people's Thought passages. And thoughts don't really "weigh" anything. Which may believe you to think that "well, if they don't weigh anything, then how can they exist?". This is the complicated power of the Thoughts, which I will go into later. For now, just forget about the atomic weight part of each element.

So what do you guys think? I'll explain how much of each element makes a molecule in the near future. Oh, and for those of you wondering where the names came from, the answer is Latin! Google Translate was my best friend during this project ;). I hope you liked this periodic table. Keep reading!

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