
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Heading to Camp!

 Hello everyone! This summer has been crazy busy for me with all my extracurriculars. But I have still managed to squeeze fun into my schedule becuz of my summer camp! It is a pretty good camp with fun activities, but I think I liked it better last year. Maybe it was because it was my first year there or something. I have also noticed patterns like these when I read. Like, the first book in a series is always the best, and quality degrades a bit until you can't take it and stop reading the rest of the books in the series. Except that there are a few exceptions like Divergent, which is really good and the only one I didn't like that much was Four, but everyone has different tastes, right?
  Don't forget to vote on the poll, and I will try to start posting twice a week now! I will also put a book review, so keep waiting and reading.

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