
Monday, July 6, 2015

Back from Camp

 You guys read the title of this post, and that is really all I have to say: I just came back from camp. And for the record, it was not a sleep-away camp or something. It was a day camp. 
  I have been reduced to the point where that is the most important thing going on. Yikes! Okay, I am exaggerating a little. Let me spice up this post with another email.

Subject:craft of the century!!!!
 OMG I discovered a new craft this year, and that is making little adorable animals out of pom-poms! They are tots. adorb! Like, my sister has the kit where you can make any animal by twirling yarn around a fork and cutting. That is actually how to make a cute mini pom-pom, and then u join them all 2gethter and get a cute animal. My favorite craft, and u can tell bcuz I actually spelled the word favorite instead of spelling fave. I mean, who does that in the 21st century. ;)
Check this out. It is called Mini Pom Pom Pets, and it is a Klutz product. Have fun crafting this summer!

BTW, what did you guys think of the new save the earth section?

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