
Monday, March 9, 2015

What's in the Kitchen?

     I love baking cookies and cakes and cupcakes and pretty much everything imaginable! That's why we baked sugar cookies on the 1st. Okay, I'll confess, I love licking the spoon a little more than I like to stir the batter. How many of you guys do too? Okay, maybe I am the only one out there. Never mind.
     I also like making little chocolates out of those chocolate melts and wrappers. It is pretty easy to melt the chocolate: microwave it in a bowl. Then you use spoons to pour it in the cups. After freezing, it is feast time! Last year, I made white and dark chocolates swirled together. Soooooo good. Do you guys have any tasty treats you love to make? I know one of my friends who does. She is the closest resemblance to a really good baker, and makes all kinds of treats. They look so good!
     Anyway, don't forget to vote in this week's poll (fashion show won last week btw), check out the update on the jokes, riddles, and puzzles section, and have a fun week!
                                                                     -Not A Prima Donna Girl

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