
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hey guys!

     Indian food won the poll. I think I might do a poll on book types, like which books are better: ones about surviving middle school, nonfiction ones, baking clubs and others, etc. I hope we get a lot of voters on this weeks poll, about yummy cookies!
     I was writing  something for a project, and I was really stuck on what to do, but then suddenly, BING!, a lightbulb pops over my head! Do you guys ever have those moments? I love them. One minute you are moping and scratching your head until all the hair falls out, and the next you are a genius. With regrown hair, I guess. Don't ask me about this hair stuff, though. Trust me, my hair advice is not the best. But my candy advice is. ALMOND ROCA is what I say. SOOOOOOO good! Almond Roca is a butter-crunch hard toffee covered with chocolate and shreds of almonds. My mom cuts it for me since my braces would probably fall off since the candy is like rock. Tasty rock. Eww. That sounds gross. Hey, I think I know why they named it Almond Roca, because it is as hard as a rock! Rock, roca, get it?
     Anyway, I hope you guys have an outstanding next week, and I will post soon! Oh, and there should be a new book review coming up! Hang in there, readers!
                                                                      -Not A Prima Donna Girl

1 comment:

  1. Got it no advice on hair but excellent review on candy.
    Loved the blog.
    Keep it up.
    Your no one fan


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