
Monday, April 27, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Enjoyed When I Was Younger

Hostess: That Artsy Reader Girl
So... this week's topic was originally supposed to be about books I wish I'd read when I was younger, but I'm giving it a twist to honor some of my favorite books from my childhood instead. I read these from mid-elementary school to about 6th grade, Harry Potter and The Red Pencil being the only exceptions. I read HP at the end of jr. high school (way too late), and The Red Pencil somewhere around the same time. 

1. Walk Two Moons
9-year-old me cried for a solid half hour after reading this. I think it was the first major book I remember being distressed at, LOL.

2. The Winnie Years
So. Many. Memories!

3. Harry Potter
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5. The Royal Diaries/Dear America
Even though I know these aren't 100% accurate, I really appreciate them for teaching history in a fascinating way. 

6. Geronimo Stilton
Just for fun. Though I stopped reading once I realized how repetitive the books were getting, but I liked the older titles a lot!

7. One Crazy Summer
Super, super inspiring and eye-opening. I absolutely loved this series and was so sad when it ended.
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8. The Tail of Emily Windsnap
Whimsical fantasy.

9. Clementine
Clementine was written so well, I could always relate to her emotions. This is definitely a series close to my heart!
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10. The Beacon Street Girls
Such a cute middle grade series.

11. The Red Pencil
Another really inspiring story. I normally don't read books written in verse, but I made an exception for this one. Very, very well done.

12. Red Thread Sisters

13. The Thing About Luck

14. Amelia's Notebook
Sort of the older version of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.

15. The Year of the Book

To me, some quiet titles were very powerful, so I'm super glad to have read all of them! I definitely have a greater appreciation for these stories now, because I feel like there's nothing quite like quiet MG.

What books did you enjoy when you were younger? Any from this list? Which books did you wish you had read when you were younger? Let me know below!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Titles That'd I'd Like to See As Band Names

    Hostess: That Artsy Reader Girl
    Hey everyone! This week, I'm back with a really fun Top Ten Tuesday topic: book titles that would make epic band names. Now, I don't really know many bands, so if these are horribly off I apologize ;).

    Also, a lot of these books come from my TBR list, so if you've read them, let me know how you liked them!

    1. Rose Under Fire
    This is such a good title in general, it just piques my curiosity.
    2. Parachutes
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    3. Butterfly Yellow
    4. Six Angry Girls
    I suppose it wouldn't really work if there weren't exactly six girls in this band, LOL.
    5. Loveboat, Taipei
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    6. The Magnolia Sword
    Can we also just take a moment to appreciate this cover? It's gorgeous.
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    7. Unscripted
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    8. The Dark Prince
    If this wasn't a one-man band, perhaps The Dark Princes?
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    9. Caraval
    10. Divergent
    Pretty much this entire series has solid titles.
    The trend here seems to be that fantasy/futuristic books tend to make good band names, in my opinion. Interesting!
    What book titles would you like to see as band names in the future? Let me know in the comments below!

    **All covers are courtesy of Goodreads.

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    The One Where They're All In Quarantine...

    Hey everyone, I hope you all are staying safe, healthy, and positive during this time! In fact, this post is dedicated entirely to quarantine and activities you can do at home.

    So first, what have I been up to?
    • Writing. 
    • Adding books to my TBR list (but not really removing any 🥵). Sadly I realized that just because it's quarantine and I have more time to read does not mean I have more money to buy books. I also have an excessive library card fine that isn't getting any younger. Yes I know I'm the worst, but in my defense, we don't have out as many books as I'd thought, and anyway I can't go return anything right now, so...¯\(ㇱ)/¯.
    • Coding my bookshelf. I basically created classes to store all my books by title, author, genre, etc. and set up "library accounts" for potential users to check out my books. The classes only took a couple of hours to make and this was a fun CS take on my bookish interests! I will be posting all the code on my blog, and I encourage you to try running it, even if you don't really code! 
    • Bookstagram. I'm having way too much fun on IG these days. I've started following a couple of lifestyle accounts that I hope to learn from! 
    • The usual studying. But even that's better with all the breaks!
    • Spending time with my birds!
    • ...And working on a sEcRet sURprIse TM. Details to come!
    This week has been so relaxing because my school is on break, but I know this won't last :(. Nevertheless, I'm trying to make the most of it and have fun :).

    Some links I recommend checking out...
    • combatcovid.org! (#shameless-self-promo)
      • 10/10 would recommend becoming a member to the site my friend and I created. We have plenty of informational pages and spots to submit writing + artwork + anything creative! 
    • Audible for their collection of recently released free books. I'm working on The Spies That Bind by Ally Carter, the prequel to the Gallagher Girls series, which is actually only available as an audiobook!
    • Google's augmented reality features. Just search up an animal species, click "explore with 3D", and it will appear in front of you. I experimented with a tiger, duck, and alligator (my favorite), and my friend T projected a shark!
    Alligator! The strange angle is because I had to crop my sister out :).

    I hope these are some unique ideas for you to enjoy! Check back next week for my TTT post about book titles that would make good band names!

    What have you been up with during quarantine? Let me know below! 

    Also, follow me on Bloglovin and IG to support quality content ;). I also realized that many people don't have a Bloglovin account, so I added that blue button at the top to follow instead. I really appreciate your support 🥰.
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