Hostess: That Artsy Reader Girl |
So... this week's topic was originally supposed to be about books I wish I'd read when I was younger, but I'm giving it a twist to honor some of my favorite books from my childhood instead. I read these from mid-elementary school to about 6th grade, Harry Potter and The Red Pencil being the only exceptions. I read HP at the end of jr. high school (way too late), and The Red Pencil somewhere around the same time.
1. Walk Two Moons
9-year-old me cried for a solid half hour after reading this. I think it was the first major book I remember being distressed at, LOL.

2. The Winnie Years
So. Many. Memories!

3. Harry Potter

5. The Royal Diaries/Dear America
Even though I know these aren't 100% accurate, I really appreciate them for teaching history in a fascinating way.

6. Geronimo Stilton
Just for fun. Though I stopped reading once I realized how repetitive the books were getting, but I liked the older titles a lot!

7. One Crazy Summer
Super, super inspiring and eye-opening. I absolutely loved this series and was so sad when it ended.

8. The Tail of Emily Windsnap
Whimsical fantasy.

9. Clementine
Clementine was written so well, I could always relate to her emotions. This is definitely a series close to my heart!

10. The Beacon Street Girls
Such a cute middle grade series.

11. The Red Pencil
Another really inspiring story. I normally don't read books written in verse, but I made an exception for this one. Very, very well done.

12. Red Thread Sisters

13. The Thing About Luck

14. Amelia's Notebook
Sort of the older version of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.

Sort of the older version of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.

15. The Year of the Book

To me, some quiet titles were very powerful, so I'm super glad to have read all of them! I definitely have a greater appreciation for these stories now, because I feel like there's nothing quite like quiet MG.
What books did you enjoy when you were younger? Any from this list? Which books did you wish you had read when you were younger? Let me know below!