
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Study of Sherlock

My friend got me hooked to Sherlock (the one with Benedict Cumberbatch) over Thanksgiving break, and it's high time I review the show. But instead of reviewing the series collectively, I've decided to give a breakdown of my thoughts on each episode.
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Season 1
Episode 1: A Study in Pink
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One of the best lines of the episode (credit)
  • Fun fact: I watched this episode three times in one week: by myself, with my family, and with a family friend to try to get them hooked.
  • Super super super good! I love how they explain Sherlock's deductions in a realistic way. He was absolutely mind-blowing in the scene where he first met John Watson.
  • Animation/transitions are done super well.  Time slows down as Sherlock puts the pieces of the case together, and I really feel like I'm in his head.
  • A lot of the episode was watching Sherlock figure everything out. After a while I stopped trying to solve the case, lol.
  • The mystery was very intriguing, and so was the killer's motive.
  • Overall, 10/10!
Episode 2: The Blind Banker
  • First time I noticed that the intro scenes are done very well! I was dying to know what the museum employee had seen that shocked her.
  • Decent mystery, but it was a pretty standard, action-packed story. In fact, it reminded me a lot of the Tintin books (especially when they mention Black Lotus, this is really similar to the The Blue Lotus).
  • Overall, 8/10.
Episode 3: The Great Game
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  • First time we meet Moriarty, one of the two major villains of the show!
  • I actually did not enjoy the structure of this episode; I liked it better when the episode focused on a large case. Moriarty kept giving Sherlock cases, and he solved them. Because we know Sherlock would solve every case, the episode's repetitiveness got boring fast.
  • Killer ending though, no pun intended.
  • Overall: 9/10.
Season 2
Episode 1: A Scandal in Belgravia
  • This was a lighter episode, a nice break from the seriousness of S1E3.
  • I liked that Irene's character was bold and that she was a cunning adversary for Sherlock.
  • Irene's fate (the end of the episode) is very funny.
  • Overall: 9/10.
Episode 2: The Hounds of Baskerville
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Sherlock says he has doesn't have friends, but then John storms away, so he says the above quote. My heart melted (credit).
  • Nice mystery; I was very confused the entire time ;).
  • Some parts almost made me jump! I also think Watson is very brave for running into an empty cage when he thought the hound was chasing him; I never would've thought of that personally.
  • I have to admit, Sherlock guessing the password to open someone's laptop was too extreme. I don't believe Sherlock is that genius.
  • Overall: 9/10.
Episode 3: The Reichenbach Fall
  • SO SO SO GOOD. I haven't seen a better season finale for any show, ever.
  • I cried at the end, even though I'd read ahead on Netflix and seen what was going to happen in Season 3.
  • I really, really liked that Sherlock was stuck and practically hopeless and that he finally takes Molly's help.
  • Overall: 11/10. I would definitely rewatch this one!
Season 3
Episode 1: The Empty Hearse
  • I love Mary :).
  • Best line of the show: "I don't shave for Sherlock." I really want a t-shirt with this on it; it's so catchy.
  • Sherlock was very cruel to John, but it was written in such a funny way with all of John's punching, so I couldn't help but feel a little bad for Sherlock.
  • We didn't really get to see Sherlock dismantle an entire network of people working for Moriarty, he said everything was done from S2E3 to S3E1. But to be honest, I really just wanted to see him united with John and Mrs. Hudson again, so I guess it's fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  • Speaking of which, Mrs. Hudson's reaction when she saw Sherlock was the best <3. 
Episode 2: The Sign of Three
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  • Such a wholesome episode! 
  • Sherlock's speech is so sweet!
  • This episode is also especially funny. For example, Sherlock shows a kid gruesome pictures and the kid is enamored, and nearly mentions this to his mother.
  • Overall: 10/10.
Episode 3: His Last Vow
  • WOW Mary is a queen!
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  • Pretty good mystery. It didn't really draw me in as much as some of the others, but it was still fascinating. 
  • Overall: 9/10.
Special: The Abominable Bride
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  • Creepy
  • but also fun! 
  • Molly honestly looks nice in short hair. I would keep the look.
  • I could not fathom this one at all until Sherlock revealed what was going on. Really well done, again!
  • Overall: 10/10! Though I probably would not rewatch it just because of how chilling it was.
Season 3 was my favorite season because it was a lot lighter and happier than the rest, which was probably to prepare for the gloomiest season, season 4.

Season 4

Episode 1: The Six Thatchers
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  • Sherlock talking to Rosie is one of the funniest moments of the show.
  • Pretty interesting, and it's nice to know what's on that flash drive Mary gave to John. Mary is literally my favorite (after Sherlock and John, ofc ;)).
  • Overall: 9/10.
Episode 2: The Lying Detective
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  • SO Sherlock was not okay. And John was not okay. Surprisingly Mrs. Hudson seemed to be doing okay, though she was obviously sad.
  • Good mystery, though I don't know why Culverton Smith made confessions and erased people's memories on a regular basis; he definitely would have been caught one day anyway.
  • Overall: 9/10.
Episode 3: The Final Problem 
  • I was intrigued by Eurus's high IQ and persuasiveness. 
  • I was shocked when she revealed that there was no glass between her and Sherlock when he first went to see her. 
  • Still, the premise of this episode was hard to believe. I found it hard to believe Eurus could control everything on the island she lived on, no matter how high her IQ.
  • Also, the show can't keep making people up. First, there's Sherlock's sister. She was never mentioned before, but fine, I understand if you want to add her into the show. But someone new also came in at the end (I want to reveal more but I can't because it's a spoiler). It got ridiculous.
  • I can't believe how stupid Mycroft was when he gave Eurus a Christmas present. But he made up for it when he kept insulting John so Sherlock would get angry and shoot Mycroft.
  • Not a super satisfying conclusion. I wish we'd gotten to see what happened with Rosie, Molly, Greg, Mrs. Hudson, etc. (besides just a few flashes of everyone hanging out).
  • Overall: 9/10.
I normally don't really watch/read mysteries, but this show kept me on my toes the whole time. I was intrigued by Sherlock's deductive ability, and loved how realistically he could deduce things. (Although, obviously, some clues were just written in conveniently, but still.) I also loved the characters: cocky Sherlock, eager Mrs. Hudson, caring John, and cunning Mary. They all go through a lot of character development, especially Sherlock.

This show was super fun and I hope to see similar shows in the future. But maybe I'll wait until after final exams this time ;).

What did you think? Have you watched Sherlock? Have you watched any similar shows to Sherlock? Do you like mysteries? Let me know below!
sherlock holmes GIF by BBC

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