
Friday, July 12, 2019

My Latest Polymer Clay Creations

For the past few months, I haven't been able to create much due to school, finals, and hecticness. However, I did get some time this week to sculpt Audrey Rose Wadsworth (!), and I haven't showcased a couple of my older creations. So here they are, enjoy!
Her hair's kinda wacky :). It started falling apart so that's why it looks a little awkward on the left.

In honor of Aladdin.

She's one of the first ones I used a face on! I'm trying to get the courage to try out faces more, but they're a bit difficult.

She's not really based off anything, I just pictured a really pretty white dress and wanted to try that out.
And one of my favorites, Audrey Rose Wadsworth! She's from Escaping from Houdini, which I reviewed here. 10/10 would recommend!
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Cover Courtesy of Goodreads

I don't know if it's visible, but her dress shimmers! I was also a bit adventurous with her and used a new technique for her hair. I think it's better than my usual ringlets, so I'll be experimenting with hairstyles even more.

What did you think? Any favorites? Any suggestions? Have you worked with polymer clay before? Tell me below! More of my polymer clay creations can be found here.

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