
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Reading Plans

The Hostess: That Artsy Reader Girl
 Now that school's out, I can finally read books I want to read. English classes' selections are often pretty boring (though there are always a couple of great reads). There's also just something special about reading during the summer; perhaps it's due to my tradition of binge-reading lazily during this season. Anyways, as you can probably guess, I've made quite a few summer reading plans. Here are the books I'm dying to read this summer!

Cover Courtesy of Goodreads
Cover Courtesy of Goodreads
I read the third book in the series before these two, and it is amazing! I'll post a review soon!
Cover Courtesy of Goodreads
If you haven't read Stacey Lee's work, you haven't properly read historical fiction. This one comes out in August and I can't wait!

Cover Courtesy of Goodreads
More histfic!

Covers Courtesy of Goodreads
These look pretty fun!

Cover Courtesy of Goodreads
This one just came out, and usually it takes me months to get access to books after their release dates, but hopefully this time will be different. (Ha! See what I did there?)

I'll be adding more books as summer progresses, of course :). 
Do you have any reading plans of your own? Any suggestions to this list? Tell me below :)

*Also sorry about font inconsistencies between posts. I'll be fixing that in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, The Downstairs Girl does look like an interesting read.

    My TTT.


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