
Monday, April 29, 2019

Florida Trip!

Hello from Florida! I'm on a 6-day conference here in Orlando, ready to blog about everything that happens!

Day 1: I woke up at 3:15 in the morning, got ready, and got to the airport by 5:20-ish. Then we flew to Florida and touched down at around 3:00. The planes actually looked very cool on the inside, and I have to admit, I'm starting to like Alaska Airlines!

At 4:00, the buses came and we all drove to the hotel. One thing I notice along the way is that there are so many lakes in Florida! There were 12 just on that drive! (Where I live, there's only one lake with the name of a queen, so this is kind of shocking!)

 The hotel is pretty amazing. There was free flavored water in the front, and as decorations there were trees, umbrellas, and mini waterfalls.

The rooms were also very luxurious, with plenty of space to walk around. Even the bathrooms had marble tiles everywhere, and looked very pretty.

For the rest of the day, we didn't really do much. I'd done some homework on the plane (alternating between notes and watching Mulan every 5 minutes), so I had time to watch a little TV and chillax. For lunch I'd gotten Panda Express, and for dinner I ate a Lean Cuisine meal (not that great, tbh). 

That's pretty much the end of Day 1! Stay tuned for more about sunshine and the rest of my trip!

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