
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Tip for Staying Warmer

I haven't posted in almost two weeks, so here's a quickie before I schedule some posts soon.

DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT OKAY?!! I'LL GET IT TOGETHER SOON. Because I was totally on task this summer and scheduled 5,000+ posts like I had planned.

Anyways, since it's been getting colder lately, here's a tip for staying warm.

1. Go to Costco. If you don't know where that is (because, I know, I'm an international sensation and have many followers who just don't want to click the button on the right, though I'm not sure why...), it's this big store that gives out yummy samples if you're lucky.

2. Step into the Costco section where they keep all of the vegetables, etc. In other words, it's that FREEZING COLD ROOM that will keep you SHIVERING but you should be fine if you're only in there for 30 seconds.

3. Step out. You will feel a blast of warm air, which is really just the rest of Costco. This isn't even an exaggeration!

I hope you don't take this too seriously, just for your own health. Alternatively, you could do this with any other store with a frrrreeeezzzing area, but Costco's usually the coldest, as far as I can tell.

Do you have any "tips" for staying warm? Or any stories about trying to keep warm (but miserably failing)? Share in the comments!

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