
Sunday, August 13, 2017

2017 Fall Releases

I'm super excited for books coming out this fall, and it seems like I've been waiting forever for some of them to come out. Here's my list of a few of the reads I can't wait for. All covers are courtesy of Goodreads.

Spy School Secret Service by Stuart Gibbs
I have been waiting for this book since February. I need it now.

The Getaway by Jeff Kinney
All of the Wimpy Kid books come out around this time, but it's still a pretty long wait.

Swing It, Sunny by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm
The first graphic novel was so sweet, and I'm desperately waiting for the sequel.

The Silver Mask by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
The Magisterium series is getting closer and closer to its final books, and its getting more and more riveting along the way. The wait for this book is agonizing.

Which books are you waiting for to come out in the fall?

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