I finally got Yours Truly in the library by Heather Vogel Frederick. I personally thought Absolutely Truly was okay, but I'm pretty excited to read this one. The cover's so pretty, too!

I'm almost one-third done with To Kill a Mockingbird. It's really good so far, and the funniest part is that the narrator is only seven years old, and the language sounds like it's coming from an adult. Oh, the irony :).
Anyways, I hope some book reviews will be up soon, and hopefully a save the earth post coming too! Keep reading!

I'm almost one-third done with To Kill a Mockingbird. It's really good so far, and the funniest part is that the narrator is only seven years old, and the language sounds like it's coming from an adult. Oh, the irony :).
Anyways, I hope some book reviews will be up soon, and hopefully a save the earth post coming too! Keep reading!
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