If you gave me a genie for all things Harry Potter related, here's what I'd do...
1. I'd ask to meet J.K. Rowling, and get her autograph on everything I own.
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2. I'd visit Diagon Alley (in the books) and get my wand and a Quidditch Broom.
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3. I'd get Butterbeer from The Three Broomsticks (non-alcoholic, of course).

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4. I'd go to Zonko's and Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, and get all the pranking items I could get.

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5. I'd eat munch on chocolate frogs, sample Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, and lick sugar quills.

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6. I'd get my own owl, not a toad.

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7. I'd remind Neville to bring his Remembrall.

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8. I'd buy my Hogwarts robes...

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9...get a ticket for the train....
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10... and I'd be off to Hogwarts!

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What would you do with a Harry Potter related genie? Or a book-related one?
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