
Friday, December 23, 2016

Polymer Clay Harry Potter + Others

 Finally, now that it's nearly Christmas and school's out for most, one can relax and not worry about anything. I celebrated by watching a few hours of television yesterday (oops...) and this morning I finally got to bake my clay charms. I usually bake about 20 at a time, but this time, I was baking bigger ones, so I did not get to fit that many. Anyways, I did get all the important ones in the oven, so I've got pictures!

Here's the one I did of (from right to left): Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Luna from Harry Potter. I personally think Hermione came out the best :). However, I did make the mistake of using translucent clay for Harry, Luna, and Ron's skin, which actually comes out a bit green :( .

In honor of Beauty and the Beast, here's Belle. I tried to make the dress look multi-layered, so folded each of the two sections just like I folded Hermione's skirt. I think she looks fabulous, no?

That's all for today! Stay tuned to the Arts and Crafts section for updates based on how I made these characters.


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