
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Black History Month

     Hello everyone! As you may know, Black History Month is this month! Some classes have to do a project on African American inventors. I learned about this month by watching Ant Farm: InfluANTces. I liked it because it told about Ella Fitzgerald and segregation, Jannet Jackson, and others while being super funny and serious (how do they do it? Someone needs to tell me).  I am now gonna go all random and talk about one of my favorite candies: Zots. They are super awesome because they are huge and you put them on your tongue and then they fizz! You can feel all the fizz on your tongue and it keeps going and going and going. You can buy them at some store like 7-Eleven, but I just rely on the stash my teacher has. Anyways, don't forget to vote in this week's poll! I can't wait to see what you guys choose! I'm keeping up the same one from last week because we have only gotten 1 vote so far! (Really? Please just vote.) Plus, check out the new book review. I know one of my BFF's loves the books. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                            -Not a Prima Donna Girl

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