
Cupcake Diaries: Mia's Recipe for Disaster by Coco Simon

                                  Mia's Recipe for Disaster by Coco Simon
     Mia's Recipe for Disaster
Image Courtesy of Amazon.
Amazon Synopsis: Mia is excited to enter a Design-a-Dress contest, but she’s pressed for time. And when she tries to finish working on her dress during a Halloween cupcake party, it’s a recipe for disaster!
When Mia reads about a Design-a-Dress contest in a magazine for “budding designers ages 12–16” she is excited. But she doesn’t realize how much work designing—and sewing—a dress truly is until she starts on her contest entry. While Mia stresses out about all the work she has to do, she and Katie have an argument about, of all things, fashion preferences! Katie offers suggestions that don’t really go with the outfit Mia has in mind. And when Mia makes (what she thinks) is an offhand joke about Katie’s fashion sense, it turns into a full-blown argument.
As Mia tries to finish working on her dress during a kids’ Halloween cupcake party, she realizes that kids plus cupcakes plus silk dresses plus frosting equals a recipe for disaster!
My Review: I usually rave about the cupcake diaries books, but I was a little disappointed with this one. The whole book is about Mia sewing a dress. That is all! Sure, they throw in her school life, but I didn't think that was described with enough detail. But Mia did work really fast, which was impressive. And her friends were very supportive when she couldn't come to a meeting. But still, I couldn't help but feel disappointed, so I give this book 2 stars. Hopefully, this change in style won't happen again. Coco can do better! Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

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