
Saturday, May 30, 2015

What are your summer plans?

     Hey everyone! Who is excited for summer vacation? I am! It will be so nice to relax for a while, then sleep in, and then pig out on candy and other useless junk people make to ruin your appetite. My family is doing something new this summer: we are gonna have a lot of parties. Even though these will be with family friends, I am gonna try to convince my parents about inviting more of my friends. 
     Do any of you guys like BBQs? I am gonna have so much fun eating corn fresh off the grill. I am also so excited to go to the pool and meet all my friends there. It will be awe-some!
     So I can't wait for summer. But I will miss my awesome teachers. But next year will be great, hopefully at least. What are your summer plans? Have fun, and don't forget to vote!
                                                                       -Not a Prima Donna Girl

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Long Weekend

 What are you all doing for memorial day weekend? I am planning to relax and finish a part of one research paper. I hope this weekend is super fun! I totally love long weekends because it is like having 2 Saturdays! What could be better? I only wish the library was open on Monday so I could spend the whole day there :) but unfortunately it is not :(. I guess librarians need weekend breaks too!
     I can't believe Rachel Russell (the author of Dork Diaries) is going on another tour! Squueee! I totally wish she would come to my state so I could snag some free stuff. Plus, meeting her would be pretty cool. I have never been to book signings but I have heard they are really busy. Have any of you gone before?
  Vote on the poll this week and have fun during the loooooong weekend! 

Friday, May 8, 2015


    Email Notice to Blogreaders:

  Hey everyone! The school year is winding down, and vacation is just around the corner. Unfortunately, for me this means that i have many projects :( But no worries! i have learned to be more organized! i have mapped most of the stuff i needa do already, so i should b good 2 go!

  I am so into the Mother Daughter Book Club series! It is so awesome! It is about 4 girls who aren't all friends with each other, and their mothers start a book club. none of the girls really wants to be with one another, but in the 1st book, they see how friendship really works and learn to set aside their differences.
  i am not gonna spoil 2 many things, cause that is what the book reviews r 4. All i am saying is READ IT! u will def enjoy bcuz there r different personalities.
  Check out the new poll, there was no winner last time, it was a tie between funky and rock. Vote please! And have a fun week. Thanks 4 reading the "email"!  

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