Save the Earth!

 This is the very first Save the Earth post. I really care about the environment and I think everyone should do their part in helping reduce global warming. In this section, I will give cool ways to help the earth, some crafts related to recycling materials, and more. Even if you think that you alone can help the environment, let's be honest, you can't. It takes lots of people to help, and that is why I have started this section, so that lots would read from it. Now, you are still important. Imagine, if 20 people read this post and each person thought that if they shower for 10 minutes, it wouldn't make a difference since 7 billion others were out there, what would happen? I will tell you. If those 20 shower for 2 minutes, 10 gallons of water would be used up. If they all showered for 10 minutes, 50 gallons of water would be used up! In those 40 gallons, 4 other people could use it for their showers.
  Sorry if that sounded like a math problem. :) All I am trying to say, is that do your part in keeping the environment clean, and be eco-friendly. Here are some ways to help:

  •    Buy stuff that you really need, not want. If you want 4 chocolate packets for giving out in Halloween, check to see if that is really necessary if less people trick-or-treat there.
  •    When you get plastic utensils from the school cafeteria  to use for your pasta from home, take it home so you can wash it and use it for something like scooping out sugar for that cake you were planning to make. Trust me, using steel or china spoons are not necessary. Just make sure you either recyclable plastic ones or reusable/not super flimsy ones. Use your judgement.
  •    The last tip for today is to use cloth napkins instead of paper ones. When we use paper napkins, they are really thin and get wet fairly quickly if a spill needs to be wiped. If the cloth napkins are used instead, one of them can wipe up a lot of water. Cloth napkins can be washed and used again! Therefore, if you use them, you are saving the earth!
And those are 3 ways you can save the earth. Be sure to comeback next week, and give yourself a challenge and see if you can do all 3 this week! Have fun, and save the earth one chocolate, spoon, and napkin at a time.

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